Saturday, 30 September 2023

Artificial Intelligence

The Spielberg film, AI, unsettled me - but we're not there yet!

Using Artificial Intelligence software within the writing and editing industry has already had an impact on the creative economy. Enabling 'lazy' writers to generate income more quickly opens up opportunities for freelance and contract work, providing a pathway for marketing professionals to pursue their career goals.

The downside for those professionals is that, now, anyone can do it. Once their clients cotton on to this, some will just do it themselves, saving £££s off their costs.

Note. Much of the above was originally created with AI but has since been edited to actually be meaningful. Below is a generated paragraph that was totally unnecessary.

Creative Text, Images and 'Moving Pictures'

This is reminiscent of the problems that graphic designers suffered when affordable design software was released. Many small businesses decided to create their own logo, for example. It took several months for most of them to realise that having access to tools doesn't mean that no skill or experience is necessary - would you attempt to re-wire your home just because you had coils of wire and a screwdriver?

Video creation is easy too - kids are growing up with it. A few entertaining TikTok vids are a long way from traditional cinema but could easily become a good marketing tool, in the same way that YouTube is used. The new generation of creatives can engage with the new generation of buyers and users. Podcasts are used by a number of businesses these days, as well as the entertainment industry.

Will the time come when AI writes quality books and film scripts? This was the dream of Film Studios which prompted the recent writers' strike. They also wanted to not pay supporting actors - were they hoping to create a host of androids to play those roles?

Editing and Honing Media

Editing happens all the time! Whether it's for scripts, books, film, etc.. The editing industry contributes to professionalism and growth, enhancing published media to appeal to a wider audience by improving its quality and accuracy. 

The growing use of AI is likely to increase the need for professional editors, both for text and images.