We're all guilty of this, sometimes. Possibly because there can be such unbelievable stupidity in the world? The BBC/ITV morning 'news' programs are masters of stating the obvious and 'news' is often a feature from a few weeks, months or even years ago. So we despair and we use exclamation marks to signify that we remember when there wasn't a need to constantly fill air-time.
Is it Too Much Information or is it just too much repetition? We need to switch off - and this is meant in two ways. Switch off the news feed now and then, whether it's TV, social media or whatever source is your personal addiction. Switch off our brains now and then, assimilate what we know and decide how much we need to know.
It's difficult to avoid the bombardment of collective opinions (because that is what much of the 'news' seems to be). For example, which reporters have researched their facts and which ones are merely repeating a point of view, either theirs or the spokesman for whatever is being reported?
The over-sharing of opinions, that is the way of the world right now, is having an impact on mental health, particularly on younger people who have very little personal experience of history. Older people who are in authority often make it worse.
Sometimes, everyone needs to stop, step back and evaluate. Maybe, instead of patching up the systems that have been in place - and failing - for some time, it would be a good idea to start over. And if this were to happen, it may still not work out well because the wrong (overpaid, not living in the real world) people are likely to be making those decisions, wasting much time and money.
I went way off-topic in this post, not even touching on grammar but I think this is warranted (drumroll please, I've left it till the end...) aargh!!!