Thursday, 1 February 2024

Virtual Living vs Life Experience

We recently published a blog post, considering the reasons why people are not reading blogs so much any more (blogging vs vlogging) then - lightbulb moment - we were discussing how so much has changed in such a short time. 

Two of the contributing factors are AI and the pandemic. Let's assume that blog readers want to learn something new or be entertained, many bloggers are now relying on AI to assemble information from the internet - unoriginal and uninspiring, so why bother to read that when you can do it yourself? 

There are long-term lifestyle changes in the aftermath of covid and lockdown. Bloggers who used to entertain readers with their travel experiences (be it a holiday, reviews of local eateries or live gigs) aren't pushing their boundaries, opting instead for a life in front of the computer or the TV. 

How popular are bloggers' reviews of TV shows, movies or books? Not very, we believe. What readers really want is an insight into something less standard and less available which will inspire their future plans - they almost certainly are not wanting to plan a future of TV channel streaming. 

So, how to regain your readership? Get your life back. The one that your readers were interested in. Leave the computer on the desk and experience life as you used to know it. Then write about your new adventures in your blog. 

And we'll try to follow our own advice!!